Data Access Broker

Manage and Access Data Efficiently

Welcome to the Data Access Broker Service

Our mission is to streamline the process of accessing datasets from various providers, making it simpler and more efficient for researchers like you to find and use the data you need. This is a prototype of the SURF Data Access Broker (DAB), developed as part of the ODISSEI Portal (

What We Do

At the core, our service acts as a middleman, or "broker", connecting researchers with an extensive range of data providers. Whether you're looking for open access data to complement your study or specific datasets that require provider permissions, we're here to help facilitate that access.

Stage of Development

Currently, the Data Access Broker is in its proof of concept phase. We're constantly working on refining our processes and expanding our service capabilities. Your feedback during this stage is invaluable to us, as it helps shape the future of this service.

How It Works

Using the Data Access Broker is straightforward:

Our goal is to make your research process as seamless as possible by reducing the time and effort spent on accessing datasets. Whether the data you need is freely available or behind a provider's gate, we're here to facilitate your access to it.

Thank you for considering the Data Access Broker for your research needs. We're excited to be part of your discovery journey and look forward to supporting your work with efficient data access solutions.